Background —

My role

researchvisual designprototypingpersona developmenttestingworkshops


Schweppes Connect is the B2B ecommerce platform that Schweppes suppliers use to place orders for their hotels, bars or restaurants, sounds pretty straight forward right?

The thing is, only 9.1% of their suppliers actually use this channel to place their orders and in early October 2017, with the acquisition of Schweppes by Asahi Beverages, the team began to ask why?

The end goal

The end goal of this project was to increase orders on the Schweppes Connect portal so that it becomes the primary ordering Channel.

Channel usage

The problem

The fragmented end-to-end portal was causing leakage to other channels and diminishing the ability for sales representatives to focus on business development, as such cost to serve was high and value of transactions low.


Direct payment was not possible through the portal and capturing the users credit card details did not comply with security standards.

Marketing capability

There was no marketing or content management capability and for the business small changes such as marking of price reductions require an entire IT project.


Real time notifications of delivery time cut offs weren’t possible resulting in angry calls to the call centre complaining about late delivery.

Problem statement
How might we improve the way we engage with customers online during critical journeys such as ordering, paying and delivery whilst providing an exceptional digital experience —


Research —

Interviews to

The qualitative interviews we conducted helped me segment the portal users into 4 primary personas, from their we gathered their needs and requirements for a customer portal they would actually use.

Workshops to research

When our team at EY was engaged by Asahi Beverages, we realised what little information they had about their customers. Our original plan for a 5 day workshop was replaced with a 3 hour internal workshop with the C-suite executives and an in depth customer research piece.

The complex workflows of the multiple user types needed to be defined in detail. In order to achieve that, I gathered as much as I could from the end users to understand the challenges they face when placing an order and how this revamp of the portal could make a difference in optimizing these pain areas.

Portal personas
01 - 03
“I hate when I get timed out and have to start my order all over again”
Trevor, City Bar Ops Manager

I need the ability to use the SC portal on a mobile device on the go. It would be great if i could order and then checkout by selecting a previous order instead of doing it all again. Sometimes I get pulled away mid way through my order and then I get timed out it’s so frustrating!

02 - 03
“I don’t have time to waste trying to find the products that I want to order”
Barbara, Owner of Chicken Shop

I do struggle a bit with technology and the portal is complicated. It is just quicker for me to go through my sales rep. The one time I ordered online I didn't know if the order even went through or if i was going to recieve it so I ended up calling my sales rep anyway

03 - 03
“I manage multiple suppliers and venues so everything needs to be simple”
Steve, Lunchtime Food Outlet

I want the portal to keep me updated on any new products or promotions that will meet my customers needs. It would be great if I could order and then pay right there and then otherwise I forget my sales rep ends up chasing me usually when I am super busy! Different payment types would be good too.

Portal insights
Insights from data, customer surveys and interviews were categorised into 6 common portal insights —



Easy to find information on complete product range including sales rep details



Email confirmation of orders, ability to see order history and invoice records, record of credit notes



Mobile compatible, ability to re-order or edit orders and no timeout when ordering



Reminders of order cut off times personalised to my area as well as any delays on the order



All promotional products in one section and detailed product descriptions



Simple and intuitive navigation, with minimal clicks to make or repeat an order


Results —


Using all our learnings we started creating user flows and low-fi concepts for primary use cases, designing for mobile first, based on the needs of personas.

We conducted a few rounds of usability testing and adjusted the wires accordingly and then moved onto UI designs.

The solution


Customers are able to make payments at check-out and various payment methods are available for the customer to choose from. It is also very easy to access order history and track an order

Marketing capability

An easy to use CMS was implemented allowing Schweppes to personalise content and update relevent sales and information


A countdown timer was implemented so users were very aware of when delivery cut off times were, in addition automatic sms notifications were sent if orders were delayed or on there way
