01 / MY AMP

Background —

My role

researchprototypingdata analysationtestingworkshopsvisual design


As the single hub for web-based customer experiences, My AMP continues to be the connector between AMP banking, wealth management and goals-based advice experiences. A user-needs and goals driven approach to building experiences has highlighted the need for more personalisation, and necessitates connection on a personal and emotional level.

The problem

My AMP’s information architecture no longer accommodates the breadth of features being delivered.


Navigation inconsistencies have made it hard for customers to find what they’re looking for. These patterns also make it challenging to incorporate new feature-rich tools (e.g. budgeting).


There is limited reuse of templates and modules across the portal, making it harder to maintain and creating misalignment between different areas of the portal.


As customer and industry expectations mature, greater levels of personalisation and customisation are needed to meet our experience standards.

Problem statement
With My AMP evolving, the current user experience is not satisfying our customers needs, inconsistencies prove it difficult to scale. How might we ensure that My AMP caters to our wide range of clientele whilst still appearing as a simple and personal experience that is easy to scale.

Research —

What NPS is saying...

Our net promoter score was very low at -11 and we were hoping for this to increase to -9. After 8 weeks of the new navigation being live NPS increased beyond our expectations to -2.

It really shows the power of simple navigation!

NPS Comments
AMP personas
01 - 03
“We aren’t afraid to take calculated financial risks”
Dave and Donna

Dave and Donna have a focus on family and personal growth in equal measure. They rely on themselves first when it comes to major financial decisions and aren't afraid to take calculated risks to get ahead. Dave and Donna most probably have a mortgage or/and investment property.

02 - 03
“I lack financial confidence and avoid making money decisions”

Claire needs a coach to help her make decisions and take control of her future. Although in the past, Claire has not been concerned with her finances, she is now determined to get on top of it all and begin to build her wealth. Claire dreams of the freedom to buy whatever she wants whenever she wants.

03 - 03
“I have prepared for retirement but you never know with the unknown”

Robert is at the stage in life where his focus is on freedom and funding his retirment dream. He's just a little worried he hasn't planned for all that life could throw at him. He has paid off his mortgage and has an investment property and is willing to give financial advisers with a good track record a go.

Focus group testing

We selected AMP users based on our company personas, during these sessions users told us about their expectations and experiences of banking platforms, from their favourite apps, to the positive and negatives of My AMP, we even got them to build their ideal dashboard using card sorting activities.

Qualitive interviews

We later interviewed additional customers and non-customers to get greater insights on who they are, what they do and don’t like, and what would help them use a banking portal to fulfil their needs. We came up with key insights that we used as principles when designing Eg: “ the more it’s about me, the more I will love it”

Persona flows

The insights gathered from the focus group testing enabled us to map out persona flows, going through a particular feature of MY AMP as a selected persona to map their user journey and document touch points to highlight any opportunities to improve for future state designs.


Results —

User testing

Our first round of designs for user testing were very detailed, although not common practise we believed this was necessary due to the complexities of the portal and its features




Users need to select the top 4 things that are important to them so that any marketing, goals or product information will be completely relevant to them.

Testing Feedback

8/12 users misunderstood the purpose of this onboarding experience. They didnt understand they needed to select the images and the ones who did didnt understand the relevance further on in the process.




Two levels of Navigation that elevates AMP’s strategic experiences such as banking/transactional, wealth and goals. The navigation ensures customers can always find what they want and encourages customers to explore all offerings. Features such as quick task are also contextual to where they are on the site

Testing Feedback

The feedback for the IA was extremely positive and 11/12 people found 100% of what we told the to find which was a huge win


Product Dashboard


Customisable dashboards that personalise the My AMP experience at a product level. These dashboards will be a homepage for each product that house key insights and data pulled from your account activity and relevant goals.

Testing Feedback

Users found graphs confusing, unclear and didn’t feel they needed that level of insight, although they did like to see how much they spent per day / per week. As Jody so eloquently put it “ Frankly, I don’t need a dashboard for each product” and this was the general consensus.


All designs

Key learnings

Although we did need a more detailed prototype due to AMP’s rich features, adding AMP’s actual colours and fonts distracted users from the tasks at hand and a lot of focus was being placed on the UI. As such, for round two of user testing we paired back the prototype as well as adding learnings from round 1 with the main insight being simplify everything.

Round 2 prototype
Release plan
Now that we were happy with the direction of our concepts it was time to plan MVP feature by feature
Sprint 1 - navigation

Beyond expectations

Today, AMP have released 80% of the features we designed with a NPS score sitting at +8 and climbing!

Unused Concepts